Special Launch Price Ends In:
Attention: Marketing Consultants Who Need More Clients!
Local "Buyers" Are No Longer Going Straight To Google To Find Local Businesses!
Let me show you exactly what has changed and how you can use it to your advantage to get clients and get amazing results for YOUR CLIENTS!
(it's not what you think)
Chris Beatty
Luxury Vantage Point
Sue Brown
Imperial Marketing Group
Dear Marketing Professional,

You have a unique opportunity at this very moment to get a ton of new clients thanks to our friends over at Facebook! 

You see, they just caused one of the biggest "shifts" we've seen in consumer BUYING BEHAVIOR in a loooong time!

As a result, some businesses are being flooded with new customers while others are being left behind. 

You and I both know that if you can position YOUR BUSINESS as the go to source for getting that result, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel when it comes to getting recurring rev clients!
 Here's The Big "Shift" That Just Happened And How You Can Use It To Your Advantage!
First of all.. this has NOTHING to do with Facebook Ads or Social Media management at all. It's all about what CONSUMERS are now doing on Facebook BEFORE buying.

If you've been doing local marketing for ANY Amount of time, you probably know all about the power of reviews for local businesses.

Some experts say that a single star increase can boost a local businesses revenue by as much as 10%.

For you and me, 10% might not sound that exciting. But for a local business, that can mean the difference between staying open for business or going out of business for good.

"OK, cool Chris.. reviews are old news"

Not so fast there my fellow marketer...

So here's how consumers used to look for local businesses
That's right, they used to go straight to google and search for the keyword phrase that is related to the product or service they are in need of.

For this example I used a Painter in Kokomo (my hometown) 

Most people would be drawn to the second listing there for "Meinzer Painting" because they actually have a star rating and the other two don't.

So the "OLD WAY" to do Reputation Marketing was to get a business more reviews on their google local profile, their yelp, and other industry related directories.

That alone would draw more clicks to their business from local consumers searching out their services.

And that worked for a long time... (still does to an extent)

But, Facebook is known for shaking things up in the business world and they have done that once again.

You see, businesses KNOW at this point that they need reviews!

But there's a new way that a business must go about the whole thing.

Ok, so you might be wondering "how the heck is this a new opportunity?"

Well...let me just show you!
Facebook Just Created A Movement Called "Ask Then Search" (ATS) And THAT Means BIG OPPORTUNITY For YOU!
The name says it all...

"Ask Then Search"

Instead of instantly firing up Google and doing a search based on the keyword, consumers are asking their friends FIRST. THEN they go to the ol' Googler and dig a little deeper about the recommendations they just received over on Facebook.

The power of social media (specifically Facebook) has created the perfect "safe zone" for friends to ask for recommendations.

Why do you think this is happening?

It's happening because Facebook KNOWS the only thing consumers trust more than "online reviews" are recommendations from friends and family.

If you haven't noticed lately, FB is giving FIRST PRIORITY to "looking for recommendations" posts.

Almost every single time I log into FB or refresh my news feed, if any of my friends have asked for a recommendation, it's at THE TOP of the results.

The great thing about is... they actually work.

We all LOVE to give our opinion and sing the praises of businesses who've treated us right.


Now that I've pointed it out, you're going to see TONS of these types of posts (you can thank me later) :)
Now, remember our "Painters Kokomo" example from earlier?

The last image above shows what the ATS movement has done to the old way of searching.

Lainey was "looking for recommendations" for a home (exterior) painter in Kokomo, IN.

Yes, she first went to FB to ASK her friends FIRST.

She got a couple recommendations from some friends.

The one that FB highlighted was "Heritage Custom Painting"

So what do you think she did next? First she ASKED... Then she SEARCHED.

It's time to dig a little deeper....
Here's where YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY exists.

The search results for "business name reviews" is PRIME REAL ESTATE for a local business.

A business owner MUST CONTROL that real estate now more than ever.

If they do, they'll be handsomely rewarded with more customers and more revenue.

So what do we do?
We Create Simple "Review Hubs" For A Business To Get Our Foot In The Door.
Then we RANK that review hub for "business name reviews"
It's easy to rank for 100% of the time because nobody else is optimizing their site for someone else's business name followed by the word reviews. 

(don't tell the business owner it's that easy) ... our secret!

We'll show you exactly how to do it if you're not sure how it all works.

Now, we've provided a high value "deliverable" that our clients will love us for.

They have a place to host all of their reviews and it will show up at the top of the search results when someone decides they are going to use the ATS method.

"But Chris... I suck at sales and even with this amazing opportunity, there's no way I can land these new clients"
Well, I thought you might say that!

And lucky for you.. I don't suck at sales and I know exactly how you can close these clients.

You see, sales really isn't hard if you know the right strings to pull and you know exactly how to craft a sales pitch that get's business owners excited.

Done the right way... they'll be CALLING YOU begging for your help!

Since we know that MOST business owners need the exact same thing, we can use that to our advantage!

Here's what we know about local business owners!
  • All business owners want more qualified live phone calls coming into their business on a daily basis.
  • All business owners know they need positive online reviews
  • All business owners HATE to be bothered by "marketing folks" like you and me and are very skeptical because they've been burned over and over!
Armed with that knowledge, we can practically "cherry pick" the clients we want to work with.

You see, we've been closing "local review" clients for years now so selling to these customers is nothing new to me!

The "ATS Movement" has just given us another "angle" we can use to our advantage and sign up a ton of new clients.!
Here's How I Close "Review Hub" Clients In My Sleep And Why My Competition Is Struggling!
Where most people go wrong when trying to sell marketing services to local businesses is they go too hard and "Salesy" out the gate.

It's so much simpler if you give some value up front and then have a LOW TICKET offer that gets your foot in the door.

Listen, once you get a business to give you $1... your relationship changes on a fundamental level.

According to Marketing Metrics, you have a 70% probability of converting an EXISTING client into a recurring revenue service.

And... only a 5-20% chance of converting a NEW client into a recurring revenue service. 

With that knowledge... 

Why the heck would you spin your wheels trying to sell a high ticket recurring offer for Reputation Marketing services out of the gate to businesses who don't have a relationship with you?

By doing that, you are CHOOSING to do business THE HARD WAY!

It's fundamentally and statistically WRONG and I forbid you from doing it going forward.

So if you're not supposed to offer them a recurring offer UP FRONT, what the heck do you offer them?
  • Your NUMBER 1 GOAL with a new customer is to provide a great customer experience.
  • Second, the offer MUST allow you to complete the service quickly and thoroughly!
  • And last, the offer MUST strategically position you as an expert in Reputation marketing!
Here's the simple answer:
Simple Local Review Hubs Are Your Strategically Positioned Foot In The Door Offer!
By TEACHING them how about reputation marketing FOR FREE, you are instantly positioned as the authority!

Then, offering a simple "done for you" solution to take care of all the dirty work for them for a small one time fee, you are instantly positioned as the expert.

And it doesn't require a "recurring commitment" which increases the amount of sales you make up front.

So the incredible number of businesses who recognize they need to do better in the "review department" combined with this new "ATS MOVEMENT has created the PERFECT STORM for you to snatch up some clients.

Since there is so much GOLD waiting to be mined, we've decided to release...
The Reputation Power Pack is our proven lead generation and foot in the door funnel for Reputation prospects.

The sole purpose of this Done For You foot in the door funnel is to get a prospect to PAY YOU SOMETHING for a local review hub.

You see.... through lots of tests I figured out a way to strategically pull at the "pain points" these businesses are dealing with on a daily basis.

Now, I simply implement this strategy every single time I want to bring in new customers into my business.

And this new ATS Movement is making it even easier than it was before!

I mean, Facebook practically created a client getting strategy for us..... cha ching :)

So it's time for you to get a piece of that pie!

Sound Good?

Well.... For a limited time, I've decided to give you EVERYTHING!
Here's what you'll get access to when you invest in the Reputation Power Pack Today!
Your Reputation Power Pack Includes...
  • Your High Converting "Review Hub Lead Magnet" -   The lead magnet educates your prospects on why they need to own and control the "real estate" for their "business name reviews" and it also Pre-Sells them on hiring you to do it for them! Not only that, you are positioned as the expert because you get full private label rights and can slap your name on it as the author- $199 Value
  • Your Follow Up Emails - This is a series of 5 emails that educate your leads and promotes your Video Sales Letter (read below) just in case they don't take you up on your offer the first time around! Each email is crafted to pull at all the "pain strings" these businesses are feeling. In sales, the fortune is in the follow up so these are critical!   - $175 Value
  • Your "Review Hub" Video Sales Letter - This VSL is our "Foot In The Door Offer" to get Review Hub clients paying us. It's all about Local Review Hubs. Simply put, you'll offer a done for you solution to create and rank a "review hub to ensure they are controlling the review real estate for their business name. This is a ONE TIME payment offer designed to get you as many clients as possible. - $325 Value
  • Set Up & Delivery Videos - It's important that you actually know how to build these "review hubs" and get them to rank for your new clients. We've created "over the shoulder videos" show you how to do EVERYTHING. We recommend you hand the videos over to a virtual assistant and let them do the dirty work. - $199 Value
Value: $898
($699 actual costs paid to a copywriter)
This Is EVERYTHING You Need To Land These High Value Review Hub Clients!
Sure you could write your own lead magnet, do your own copywriting, craft the perfect prospecting emails, make your own video sales letter and figure out how to package it all up through trial and error... 

but that takes time and a whole lot of money you probably don't have or want to spend.

So why on earth would you do that?

I've already done the hard work for you by hiring an experienced copywriter, crafting the perfect "automated" sales pitch and testing the waters on REAL PROSPECTS. 

Now, you get the shortcut on both Time and Money!

I know that time is your most valuable asset because it's the only thing in life we can't get back once it's gone!

But, I know you care about the almighty pocket book.

So let's talk about money for a minute!

The Video Sales Letter alone would cost you $325 minimum and you'd have to find a copywriter with experience writing mesmerizing sales copy in the "Local Marketing" niche!

Compared to that, you're getting this entire "Reputation Power Pack" for a small fraction of the cost.

Remember, the whole pack includes a high value lead magnet, a 5 email follow up sequence, a high converting video sales letter AND the direct response sales letter.

Look, you're not going to pay anywhere close to the $699 I paid my copywriter for these prospecting tools.

Not even the $199 you'd normally have to pay for the over the shoulder training.

In fact...
You Can Get This Done For You "Foot In The Door Funnel" Today
Special Launch Price Ends In:
Those Who Act Quickly Will Also Get This Amazing Bonus!
The Ultimate YouTube Spy Tool
  • Keyword Harvester - Search YouTube suggest to find hidden keywords and help speed up your keyword research time. Everyone hates keyword research... well, not anymore!
  • Keyword Analyzer - See how many competing videos there are, the average views, when videos were uploaded, number of thumbs up/down, comments and much more.
  • Keyword Rank Checker - Easy One Click Rank Checking your YouTube videos for as many keywords as you want… No need for a separate rank checking tool.
  • Video Uploader - You can upload your videos directly to YouTube and add your keyword tags with a couple clicks. You can do EVERYTHING from one central dashboard!

Built On Adobe Air

That makes this powerful software available for both PC and MAC users and it's lightening fast!
This Software Is For Sale RIGHT NOW For $49.95 But You Get It FREE
Obviously we've made an incredible offer for you today that we absolutely cannot make available for very long!

As soon as this promotion is over, we'll immediately raise the price to $197.... which is still a huge bargain for a complete "Business In A Box" like you're getting today! And that's NOT HYPE.

The price will rise to the bargain price of $197 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time On March 6th, 2015!

And after you send us your testimonial of all the success you're having, we'll easily be able to package this up and sell it on webinars for $497 or more.

So please act fast today to guarantee you get the lowest possible price!
For A Small Investment Of:
Reputation Power Pack
But There's One Very Important Thing You Need To Know...
This special launch price will end at 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Friday Night.

Because this foot in the door funnel is very profitable for my own business, I simply don't want it available to the masses for very long!

But no worries.

I'm all about simplicity, which includes giving you an easy decision to make.

So even with this special launch price, I'm still willing to offer an insane guarantee just to put your little heart at ease!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Our "Money Where Your Mouth Is" Guarantee

Use the Reputation Power Pack to prospect for new businesses for a full 30 days just as I show you. Really USE IT! If you show me that you gave it a real attempt and couldn't get results, I'll happily refund every penny!

This works 100% so I know you are going to get results if you use it! If you're a serial refunder who buys and immediately asks for a refund without doing anything with the product, please move on and save us both the hassle!

I am here to HELP YOU. If you have any questions at all, email me or submit a request at http://chrisbeatty.support and I'll help you to the best of my ability!
Now That We've Put All The Risk On Our Shoulders...
What Are You Waiting For?
Go ahead and click the buy button below before we come to our senses and raise the price to what it should be!
Invest Today For Just
Again, this is Chris Beatty and Sue Brown. We want to personally thank you for reading this letter today. We can't wait to get your testimonial about all the clients you're landing using The Reputation Power Pack!
Until next time...Prospect and Prosper!
P.S: Look, we all have a little "disposable" income that comes in week after week. The question is, what do you spend it on? I recommend you take a very small chunk of that and invest it in a long term asset for your business.

If you've read this far, you obviously could benefit from landing more high value clients. If you decide not to purchase today, you'll be in the exact same predicament tomorrow...looking for the next "big thing" that's going to help you get clients.

Don't do that! 

Click that buy button above and invest in the future of your business, today!

Special Launch Price Ends In:
Get The Reputation Power Pack For
 Just $97